Americans45 is a down-to-earth and on-the-road project made by Luis Mileu (photographer) and Ricardo Henriques (writer), two Portuguese friends who ignored their mothers and decided to embark on a journey to talk with strangers, i.e. collect portraits of American citizens on the eve of the historic election of the forty-fifth president of the U.S.A.

Acknowledging an alien and anthropological point of view, we want to learn more about the enigmatic American electoral system, but especially about everyday Americans, with no filters and beyond stereotypes.

We’ll begin in Los Angeles and travel eastward, to find ourselves in Washington D.C. on the day of the election.

Our itinerary is flexible because “accident is the greatest of all inventors,” as Mark Twain eloquently put it. Enjoy the ride.

Americans.45 empowered by Marco Barbosa (web design) and Joanna Hecker (English revision).